“If you can dream it, you can do it.” ~ Walt Disney
Sip from the Nectar
August, 2019
So much can seem impossible, if worry is our guide, not wonder.
Hummingbirds are impossible to shoot.
Photography, too complicated to master self-taught.
But do we listen to our life, hemmed in by warnings. Or do we live with our hearts wide open?
Do we see?
Do we choose?
That’s what this next year of Affirmation Photography™ blogging will be.
So much is beyond our control.
But there’s more we can see besides limitations. So much more we can become.
Free Falling
Whether we’re dreaming, healing, struggling or thriving, there is what we are, versus what we hope to be.
Cherish what is, yes. Honor it and all you might offer. We owe that to those who’ve helped us reach today.
But hold fast to what you dream as well.
Only you can make that reality true.
And until you give flight to each fantasy that inspires you, you will never know the hope you might share
“Home is a thing with feathers…” ~ Emily Dickinson
We’ll talk photography and processing and technical things this next year.
But it’s the art of creating that will be our focus—because it’s what connects us all.
Giving away our unique gifts is more important than we can know.
If I Can, You Can will be a year of exploring why and how we share and help and affirm.
I will inspire you to make that choice. To make another life better, because it’s crossed paths with yours.
However we’re gifted, we must pass that wonder along.
That is my personal goal for Affirmation Photography™. To bring blessings where there is worry. To shine possibility that defies limits. To breathe magic into the mundane.
This next year, may you, too, give wings to another’s hope…