“I like it all,” is my most frequent answer to the question of what I photograph.
“It depends,” is what I say, when people ask which images connect best with clients.
Healthcare facilities are looking for one thing, galleries another. What one commercial space or private collection needs is very different from the next commission. Meditation guide’s focus on boutique collections that convey a specific healing space; mindfulness journals and other affirming opportunities are very much about leading an audience on a reflective journey… Galleries show what compliments their other collections best.
And I like it all.
I escaped into nature in my early forties after a sudden illness, searching for peace and healing and a moment to breathe.
The renewal I discovered evolved into a passion to share what I’d found—through images I first took with my phone, and then a point-and-shoot-camera, until I needed more professional gear in order to capture the affirming moments others were eager to bring into their own lives—and Affirmation Photography™ was born.
Wandering our magical world and capturing each surprise I encounter is my passion. Brightening and lightening and nurturing as you view what I offer has become a calling.
I’m not a purest, though I’m a landscape photographer by training.
Observing and reacting to my environment is always more important to me than staying in my creative “lane.” Yes, I’m happiest when in nature. But small towns and their stories and lives that thrive there fascinate me. Rust and fading memories of a once-thriving world are an irresistible escape.
Exploring, often without expectation or limits, is key to my process. I guess that’s a carryover from the twenty-seven novels I published before picking up a camera and discovering my “poetry.” My visual story telling process boils down to responding to each experience to its fullest, never taking an opportunity for granted, until I’ve captured its essential message.
Some of my most popular images were inspired by unexpected moments of pure discovery. The images that touch me most deeply are almost always outside the “box” of what is expect from my work. If I’m not surprising you, and myself, I’m not doing my job.
As I capture moments with my camera, a flicker of creativity becomes a pause. A new lens, a different angle, the determination to stay until there’s nothing left to find, and then the wonder of opening each image on my computer and seeing what it will become… My process evolves, each and every time, what’s before me transforming what I thought I knew and understood, until there’s something new to share.
I’m blessed to have found a home for my work, in the hearts and minds of so many who’ve supported my inspirational vision I’m committed to share.
If you find a moment of light in my images, I’m honored. If you find yourself breathing a bit easier, opening a bit wider, knowing a bit deeper, believing with a touch less friction, that is everything to me.
With my Affirmation Photography™
I hope to shine magic into your life.
I long to touch your soul with each visual and written story I tell.