“The most difficult thing is the decision to act...” ~ Amelia Earhart
Tiny Dancer
“…the rest is just tenacity.”
Whatever story you’re telling, with the written word or dance or some form of visual art, it’s the decision to act in a particular direction that propels what you create.
Students ask me to share more about my process and how I come to crafting the images I do.
How much is lens?
How much is post processing?
How much, that is, can they reproduce themselves?
And I convey what I can of my technique. Often, the response is that it’s not enough. They want to learn more.
And, as I have with authors for years, I tell them that the “more” they’re searching for already exists within them.
Which is the hard part.
Deciding how you will act.
Learning what you’ll need to bring to life what you see.
Tuning out the noise and the need to be like others, and becoming whom you were created to be.
Only then will the “art” find you.
The voice that brings all the rest to life.
You can choose to go in someone else’s direction.
But there are limits there, where your mind is occupied with becoming something less that your full self.
There are expectations beyond knowing yourself deeply enough to get out of the way of what only you are meant to bring to life.
We must choose to see and understand and commit to our own unique vision.
Act in THAT direction, be intentionally tenacious about connection with your creative heart, giving it all you have and everything you can learn and each moment you have to growing that quite, fragile voice.
Then, one day soon, I’ll be the one begging to know how you accomplished something so uniquely you, it’s a marvel to behold…
Fairy Garden