"Hope is a thing with feathers..." ~ Emily Dickinson
I enter the world through words and emotion. Photography is my poetry.
Miller Lake
Little Mulberry Park
A friend reminded me of this recently, talking about how she, too, would like to use her images to communicate thoughts and feelings to the world. Only she didn't know if she could.
I'm living proof that anybody can share their world with others, if they're determined to figure out how.
All of these images were taken over two years ago, when I'd just become obsessed with photography. Most were taken with my point and shoot Nikon Coolpix. A few I captured when I'd just begun playing around with my Nikon D7100 and its kit lenses.
I knew nothing really about my cameras or how they worked, but what I was feeling--emotion I wanted to share--was flowing out of me. Others were reacting to it. And thus began my first two books of photography meditation.
Private View
Clarkesville, GA
The second of these, Meditations of Hope, changed my life. It clarified for me the new path I was on.
I began my journey with Affirmation Photography™, where I dreamed out loud of and worked consistently about placing my images into healing, recovery and rehabilitation spaces.
Miller Lake
Little Mulberry Park
I've learned a lot since then. Met so many photography friends and mentors. Shot amazing things and grown my skill to where my dreams are beginning to come true in startling ways.
And yet, these early images mean more to me than all the rest I'll ever shoot.
My emotions, my heart, are tied up in them, so viscerally I can remember even now the compulsion to keep shooting and creating until I understood why I couldn't stop.
I'm so very grateful.
A little but stunned, as most of us feel, I think, when you say words out loud, work your fingers to the bone, and watch wished-for things materialize into reality.
Meditations of Hope has been a wonderful success--sold hand-held at publishing events and through a few galleries and gift shops I've worked up the courage to pitch it to.
Affirmation Photography™ images are now being installed in Emory Hospital examination rooms.
And as with my novels, I'm now hearing from patients and viewers how much these early images that I captured primarily on automated camera settings have meant to them and their own journey.
Because hope is a thing with feathers, you see...
Given wings and set free when you release your wishes into the world and work with all you have to bring them to life.
I've waited over a year to begin Meditations on Healing.
After talking with my friend, I WILL have my third meditation book completed this fall.
And then I'll begin Meditations on Recovery.
A collection to support those dealing with grief will follow.
Meanwhile the rest of my world is rocking on at hyperspeed.
But what does "busy" matter, really, when my voice, my poetry, my hope is reaching others through this amazing medium, the way I always dreamed it might?
My Own Backyard
June 2016
I've never felt more alive and on the right path.
I long to find you there, whenever my images and writing might brighten your world and inspire you to share your light with others.
Have an amazing day!