You CAN weather the ups and downs of your creative journey.
It's been an all-over-the-place day.
I'm working on final tonal tweaks and crops for 13 images that will soon be installed in Emory Healthcare exam rooms.
Today marks my first "sale" through a new (to me) art consultant who loves my work and was referred to me by someone else who loves my work. What an amazing, humbling opportunity.
I couldn't be prouder.
Or more sick, as it turns out.
Perry's Water Garden
Franklin, NC
This post's images will soon live in healing spaces where both patients and staff will hopefully benefit from the renewing magic of nature.
This is a milestone for Affirmation Photography™, one I've worked hard to achieve.
But talk about highs and lows...
Those who've followed me for a while know that significant health issues in the past led to my discovering photography. My experience recuperating and rehabilitating by interacting with nature are the origin of my passion for sharing the same renewal and hope through the images I now create.
It's only right, I guess, that this week is one of those "low" times, when I'm reminded that my new normal has its limitations, and that I should never take for granted the majestic beauty I'm most days lucky enough to find myself surrounded by.
The wildflowers above were taken on a photo trip lead by Georgia Nature Photographers, a shoot and an organization I wouldn't have had the stamina to participate in a few years ago.
So, color me grateful and more determined than ever to continue working on my art, capturing what inspires me, and finding new ways to pass along those blessings to others who could benefit from them.
You can achieve whatever you wish with your art, your inspiration, your creativity, your hard work, your life. No matter your limitations. No letting yourself off the hook because the lows can at times seem to be outnumbering the highs.
Rockefeller Rose Garden
New York Botanical Gardens
Dream big, pursue your passion without hesitation, believe without fear.
I get it. These are difficult goals to maintain. But I'm living proof that you CAN achieve whatever you set your mind and your best self to accomplishing.
What if helping and encouraging and uplifting others were at least a part of why we all do whatever we were put on this earth to do?
On days like today, I find myself dreaming of just how far mankind could go, if we'd all believe just a little bit more in our own ability to change our sphere of influence for the better.
I dream of more than flowers lifting spirits and lightening loads.
Landscapes, abstracts, wildlife in all its grace and whimsy... There's so much to share, so much to learn, so much more to do.
And interestingly enough, on days like today when I'm least likely to be able to accomplish anything beyond short bursts of working on my computer, I find myself more determined and inspired than ever to reach my next goal.
Perry's Water Garden
Franklin, NC
Perry's Water Garden
Franklin, NC
So, reluctantly, tonight I'll miss my Georgia Nature Photographer's Association meeting. I love my friends and mentors there--for the joy they bring into my life, and for all they've shared and taught me in the short time I've been an active member.
And if things don't improve, there's a Conservation Committee Meeting come Saturday that hangs in the balance. Another opportunity to make a difference that I don't want to see slip away.
But those are short-term lows. I won't be down for long.
Come August, I'll be right back in the mix. I'm more determined than I can adequately convey. Just look at the blessings that exploring this path has already brought to me. And others!
Today's high--the promise of these and other images enriching the lives of countless viewers--that's all the motivation I need.
What keeps you creating, even when it gets tougher to stay the course?