“…and what is done in love is well done. ” ~ Vincnet Van Gogh
Is Well Done
Our focus this day is our gift.
Do we see difficulty, or opportunity?
Do we surrender to fear, or rally with determination?
Do we identify with the pain, or the strength rising from within to challenge it?
These tiny columbine I captured last week will be gone, when I return this morning to their wooded home. Destructive winds and heavy rain overnight will have seen to that.
But there will be more blooms, next year for these beauties. This week and next and then the next for others.
A cycle that inspires me to remember that as we plant and fertilize and nurture our thoughts and actions this week, it’s our job to carry on with the bigger picture of our own realities.
We are created to love and embrace the potential of each day—not to cling, frightened, to what passes each night.
That is love. Gratitude. That is the power of acceptance.
That is our own journey—and the gift we offer all who share this day with us.
We aren’t to know where this day’s purpose will lead. We’re only to plant that intentional, positive seed, and to do our best to help it grow.
We are only to do and love, fully and without ceasing. And leave the rest for the day to reveal.
“It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.” ~ Vincent Van Gogh