“If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking.” ~ Steve Jobs
Glorious Summer
It’s been amazing year for Affirmation Photography™... Made even more so that you’ve shared it with me. You are the heart of what I do.
I’ll be updating my website soon with a year’s worth of new images. Then we’ll be off to work with galleries and other partners, finding places to show and hopefully share the healing power of nature with others.
Beginning with a new gallery proposal I’m working on—a space I admire, looking for fine art images that will compel and inspire their guests to dream of bringing AP’s affirmational work home to their own space.
I’m not done with the “pitch” yet. And I’m finding the challenge daunting at times. But, what an exciting opportunity!
Secret Garden
How exactly to make the ordinary and insignificant memorable? Desirable? Undeniable?
Stay tuned to find out…
Throughout the month of December, I’ll feature images I’m refining.
Feel free to let me know what you think. What you feel. Perhaps even what you hope for, as you experience each moment.
And if there’s any goal you haven’t quite achieved this year, any treasure you haven’t quite found, join in the hunt these last few weeks of 2019…
Let’s keep looking together!