“Genius is eternal patience” ~ Michelangelo
Me First!
Waiting isn’t a happy place for many of us.
So much is up in the air. This season of waiting can at times seem intolerable.
Until I consider what nature can accomplish in a single moment, a burst of color, a flourish of life, free to thrive and glow and remind us of the infinite possibility of now.
The wildflowers in my last few posts mesmerize me with their magic. Their tenacity. Unnoticed by most, briefly alive and blooming, they hang on for as long as they can before becoming what they’re meant to be next.
Wildflowers aren’t much more than “weeds.” And yet, in the right light, viewed through the right lens, camera setting, and post-processing choices… They’re magnificent.
“Brevity be damned!” their patient beauty challenges us. “I am eternal. Now. Genius! I dare you to look away.”
So, as I hang in there and wait, I’ll look more closely. I’ll see and feel more deeply. I’ll know and understand with more certainty. I hope you can as well—for we, too, are beauty and eternal and now.
Patience is a gift, eager to bloom within each of us.