"There is no greatness where there is not simplicity,
goodness, and truth."
~ Leo Tolstoy
Thanks to the Georgia Nature Photographers Association (GNPA), I'm learning daily from some of the best image makers I know.
There's gear, technique, composition, processing, and the list goes on. All techniques begging to be mastered.
But first, if all the rest falls away, there's emotion and the moment and losing yourself in an image as it's happening
That's what came to me first, when I know nothing and barely had a "camera" to shoot with.
ALL of these images were shot with a Samsung Galaxy camera phone.
All to this day take my breath away.
I remember the wonder, the rush, the WOW I knew others would share.
Get lost in moments and images and and memories in the making.
Yes, keep learning and growing and becoming a better photographer.
Begin with capturing images that steal your heart and remind you why you wanted to, NEEDED to, learn in the first place.