"Adopt the pace of nature:
her secret is patience."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
It's a traveling day for me.
So, I leave you with one of my favorite "picture window" images from a couple of years ago.
Shot on with my Nikon D7100 and a kit lens, on a programmed setting.
Nothing fancy, because at the time I knew practically nothing about photography.
Chattahoochee National Forest
Clarkesville, GA
May, 2016
Except for the awe of this moment, the urgency to capture it, and the pleasure of each opportunity I've had to share it.
Could I do better today? Sure--technically, at least.
But I'm not certain about the emotion of the captures. These images are all heart. All about the moment, the clouds, the wind and sun and perfect satisfaction of being a part of it.
I'll never shoot this afternoon again.
There will be more sky and more beauty.
But I'm satisfied, immeasurably, by the pleasurable these captures still bring.
Love what you see today!
And if you get the chance, make the chance, even have a second of a chance, find a way to share that beauty.