“Either I will find a way, or I will make one.” ~ Sir P. Sidney
My life has changed considerably in the last few years (empty nesting, plotting my “second act,” navigating corresponding shifts in my career(s), our world, and the realities of those with whom I travel. And yet this year, 2018, more than any other recently has been one of intentional exploration, blooming, choosing, focusing and letting go.
All that I’ve become and begun is beyond me. I realize that. We all do at some level. We’re not in control. We’re passengers. However, the changes and growth and learning and excelling (the overcoming and rallying and refusing to quit) that occurred in the last 12 months ARE mine. Being passive is no way to live. I meditate on that every day, as I release all that is beyond me. Submitting to “whatever” is giving up and a particularly indulgent flavor of laziness we lean into so we can point the finger at fate (or acquiesce to a higher being’s will) rather than doing all we can to make the most of our blessings AND challenges.
Acceptance is crucial in relieving ourselves of the burden of unrealistic and misplaced expectations, hellbent on crushing our zest for living.
Surrendering, however, is disappointment in slow motion.
Goals don’t set you up for failure.
The soul-reaper we run from is not believing we should even bother reaching for our dreams...
Others don’t challenge us. We choose the yardsticks by which we measure movement forward or back.
“Keeping up” isn’t motivation. Celebrating and challenging and wondering and learning and cherishing each chance to freely embrace “beyond” in a healing, contributing way that benefits far more than your life—THAT’s goal setting.
Write those celebrations and personal challenges and intentional wandering/enlightenment opportunities down, I say. Then either find a way for them to be reality, or make a new path to follow.
Yes, literally write your short-mid-long term goals and dreams down.
This year, I would:
Create a more robust structure for making a more diversified living as a professional artist: as a writer, freelance developmental editor, and photographer.
Network more intentionally and freely with the photography community (Georgia Nature Photographer’s Association) that feeds me every time I dip my toes into that marvelous water.
Re-invest into my blooming photography business any income I can spare from my photography and editing clients, as well as my personal publishing business—paying forward whatever I can to learn from instructors and fellow photographers, and to attend events and trips that allow me to master more advanced skills.
Schedule my editorial and publishing work carefully, so those parts of my business continue to grow, merge with, and supplement my photography income.
Work with at least one more gallery space, so my prints reach a broader audience.
Work with at least one more art consultant, placing my Affirmation Photography™ in healing spaces.
Enhance, exponentially, my post-process skills, taking my work for clients to an even higher level.
Expand my professional networks in all areas of my businesses, sharing and learning and contributing to other artists’ journeys and beautiful work.
All of which has happened, and then some.
Because I wrote my goals down?
I can’t say that for certain.
But I can attest to the excitement and humbling wonder I experience, each time I ticked another “dream” of my list.
Yes, that was a lot to take on.
A lot to achieve. A lot of energy and effort and funds and creative exhaustion going out into the world, with no guarantee what would come back.
Plus, there was a lot of “life” stuff going on, determined to get in the way, potentially stopping me in my tracks.
What was I thinking?
I was thinking that I’m in control of what I believe and what I don’t and how hard I work to create.
I know, more confidently than before, I can do all of that.
I dream of more now, and I resolve to believe and create with even more freedom and determination.
I’ll have my 2019 list firmed up by Jan. 1st.
More of the same—expanding on what’s begun, including what didn’t quite get done. Plus looking to 2018’s achievements to inspire even loftier dreams.
Like unique, not-always perfect pearls on an infinite strand of possibility, there’s no limit to our ability to transform our reality. We can, we will, we ARE what we create.
What WE create…
What will your new year become that would not be
without you driving the plans and actions and results
only you can dream?